Monday, October 22, 2007

Not Dead Yet

So for the first time in I don't know how long, I logged into the email account associated with this blog and saw all the emails from people questioning where I'd gone and why I wasn't writing. Woah... never realized people would care about an anonymous slut on the internet (or maybe it's just that you missed the masturbation material?).

This year has been bad. Baaad. I spent the first six months of the year dealing with family issues, including my mother moving in with me. Then I lost my mother and brother, and shortly thereafter my non-monogamous boyfriend (The Captain) dumped me. After the break up, people came out of the woodwork to tell me what The Captain had really been up to: partners he never told me about (why the hell he'd do that when we were open, I have no idea), lies he'd told, and the fact that he didn't always use a condom. Thank god I've tested clean (on two tests now) but as an ethical slut I had to call every partner I'd had during the relationship and tell them what was up and to go get tested; boy was that fucking humiliating. Mixed in there was also the betrayal of a platonic friend who was one of my most trusted companions.

I spent the summer coping, drinking too much, going to too many clubs, and staying out too late at the after parties.

But things are getting better now. I've got a new job that I enjoy, and after a summer of temporary housing I finally have a great place to live. And I'm now reconnecting with the long distance friends and family I ignored this summer while coping through excessively partying.

Don't worry, babies - I've got fun stories to share. Stayed tuned. I'll start posting more regularly to play catch-up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just wanted to let you know that you have atleast one person that still comes and reads/look for a new post. im not much of a commenter so i have been hoping someone else would. but oh well. welcome back, and i hope that this coming year is a whole lot better this then the past one.


1:03 PM  

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