Friday, June 09, 2006

Take A Hint

Mr. Near Miss - He of the Emotional Maladjustment - actually contacted me again. After two months of no contact, he called in late May. After two or three minutes of a rambling, self-deprecating spiel about how he's horrible and I have every right to hate him and probably don't want to see him and he has no right to ask... he asked to come see me. When I said "no" he acted shocked - kinda throwing a rock through the sincerity of his "I'm so lowly and know you don't want to see me" line. He asked why and I told him it was because I was involved with someone and had agreed to not fuck other men. And that even if I was still solo I wouldn't want to see him - because how did I know he wouldn't just disappear again tomorrow.

That phone conversation ended with him wishing me luck and me telling him to take care. Two days later, on a Friday evening, he called again and left an insanely long voicemail about wanting to talk to me and how he needed to make amends for his behavior and how he envies me, blah blah blah. A couple days later he called again with another rambling message. And again a couple days after that. And again. The messages got more and more desparate, with the final message saying we were right for eachother and he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't think we'd both be better off together and geez it'd only been two months that he'd disappeared. It had been two months since our last phone conversation. I don't wait for anything for two months. I yell at my fucking mother if she doesn't follow through on something within a week.

It became obvious that he wasn't going to go away unless he had some kind of resolution, so the next time he called I answered the phone. He approached the situation like we were just a couple having an argument, like we were involved, like he hadn't disappeared for nine weeks. It got to the point where I had to flat out tell him that I didn't care about him anymore, that he'd missed the motherfucking boat, that I was going to get off the phone with him and never call him again. He said he was sorry that he bailed and I said I wasn't because I'd met my match. I finally had to hang up on him because he just. wasn't. getting it.

I know what was bothering him was the remorse and regret. That feeling where you wish you could go back in time and change things, but you can't. You fucked up and now you have to deal. I sympathize, but am at a point in life where I can't spend any more time or energy on people who are unreliable and emotionally unstable.

In other news, still looking for a girlfriend. Oh my god, chicks are hard to pick up on.



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